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Database Exceptionyii\db\Exception

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'color' in 'where clause'
The SQL being executed was: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT `id`, `sku`, `spu`, `name`, `image`, `price`, `special_price`, `special_from`, `special_to`, `is_in_stock`, `url_key`, `score`, `reviw_rate_star_average`, `review_count`, `favorite_count`, `created_at`, `qty`, `final_price`, `brand_id` FROM `product_flat` WHERE (`id` IN ('13', '15', '19', '225', '241', '242', '351', '352', '41', '81', '82', '84')) AND (`color`='white') AND (`price` >= 300) AND (`price` <= 500) AND (`status`=1) ORDER BY `score` DESC) `product2` GROUP BY `spu`) `c`

Error Info: Array
    [0] => 42S22
    [1] => 1054
    [2] => Unknown column 'color' in 'where clause'
$_GET = [
    'color' => 'white',
    'price' => '300-500',
    'id' => '12',

    '__flash' => [],
    'currency_current' => 'USD',